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2024 Kindergarten Round Up

Reformed Heritage Christian School is holding Kindergarten Round-Up for children entering kindergarten this coming fall, 2024! Parents and children are welcome to join us to explore RHCS on Thursday, February 1 from 9:00-11:00am.

Kindergarten is the place where we inspire in our students a desire to learn.

  • In Bible class, we study the Bible’s major stories and learn verses that relate to those stories.
  • Learning to read is an important goal of Kindergarten and to that end, we train the students to see and pronounce letters.  We employ the phonics method of learning to read.  We start by learning the sounds each letter makes; and then, learn to blend those sounds into words. Then we can start to read sentences and stories in our basic readers. We learn how to print all the letters during our handwriting time. After we learn to write words, we can start to write about different topics in our journals.
  • During numbers, we study math concepts such as the numbers from 0–100, counting coins, telling basic time, and simple addition and subtraction. We use manipulatives during many classes to help us understand math.
  • Our social study focuses no community helpers, America—our great country and the children of the world.  We do not hide from our children the mighty acts of God which He has performed for His people. (Ps 78:4)
  • In science, we study the five senses, weather, seasons, seeds, animals, and the seashore.
  • We also enjoy a number of studies which supplement our core courses such as music, art, physical education, and library.

Kindergarten is the first step in a child’s school journey, and we aim to get them off and running with all the skills and character they need to succeed in a life long journey of learning.  Miss Sarah Gunst, Kindergarten teacher

Come, ye children, hearken unto me:
I will teach you the fear of Jehovah.  (Psalms 34:11)