Interested in our Preschool?


Reformed Heritage Christian School was founded by parents who desired to provide their children with a quality education rooted in the Scriptures and that was intentionally aligned with the Reformed confessions.  Currently, Reformed Heritage is the only intentionally Reformed school in the Kalamazoo area.  Our teaching focuses on leading children to understand the great truths of the gospel and then living out of that reality in a culture that is fundamentally opposed to this world and life view.  We aim to furnish the minds of our children as well as their hands and feet to honor God in all of life.

Another priority of RHCS is to provide Christian education as affordably as possible. The school provides a sliding tuition scale for families with multiple children. Participating in our fundraisers also keeps tuition low for our families, and our hearts overflow with gratitude for those who give financially to the school.

If you would like to speak with us, please do reach out to us or follow us here.  We look forward to meeting you.


We believe that the Bible alone, and the Bible in its entirety, is the Word of God written and is therefore infallible.  Because of this, we bow to its authority and conform all our teaching to this as our infallible standard.  Furthermore, our school operates from within the Reformed tradition; and therefore, we hold to that interpretation of Scripture which is given us in our time-honored confessions: the Belgic Confession, the Heidelberg Catechism, and the Canons of Dordt.

We also identify six areas of distinctive emphasis

1. The Bible: It is God’s inspired, inerrant revelation. The nature of Biblical authority is divine; the extent of Biblical authority is total (2 Peter 1:20-21).

2. Creation: The Father created the universe and all creatures in six literal days from no pre-existing substance (Hebrews 11:3). Naturalistic and theistic evolutionary theories are rejected.

3. Antithesis: Since the fall, there have been two opposing spiritual forces laying claim to God’s creation. All areas of life in all their aspects belong to God and are to be brought under his redemptive Lordship.

4. The Covenant: God calls to Himself a people whom He saves, adopts them as His own children, and establishes a relationship of friendship with them. This covenant is for believers in Christ and their children. Therefore, Christian parents receive their children as a trust from the Lord (Acts 2:38-39, Mark 10:13-14).

5. Human Relationships: God created man in His own image. He created male and female. Thus, we reject egalitarian philosophies, which seek to remove God-ordained distinctions between parents and children, husband and wife, and male and female (Ephesians 6:1-4, Romans 1:24-27).

6. Schooling: The primary responsibility for education rests upon parents. The authority of the teacher is derived from the fact that s/he acts as representative of the parents (Deut 6).

The Reformed Heritage Christian School Association was formed in 1993 by parents who desired to provide their children with a quality education that was rooted in Scripture and the Reformed confessions. All of our teachers subscribe to Reformed beliefs.

RHCS is arranged in multi-grade classrooms with the exception of kindergarten. Our facilities feature eight classrooms, a computer lab, a multi-purpose room, a kitchen, and a library.

We are a growing educational community, yet students enjoy the individual attention they need with our low student-teacher ratio.

Students and staff are members of the following churches:

  1. Community Presbyterian Church
  2. Covenant United Reformed Church
  3. Kalamazoo Protestant Reformed Church
  4. Lighthouse Community Church
  5. Second Christian Reformed Church
  6. Trinity United Reformed Church
  7. Westwood Christian Reformed Church