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First and Second Grades

The first and second grade classes focus on the phonetic sounds that make up words to help quickly identify letter grouping sounds to increase the student’s accuracy in reading. We concentrate a great deal on becoming good readers. We learn how to find main ideas, look for important details, and work on comprehension. We also do this by working on vocabulary and letter combinations to realize how many new words there are for us to learn.

We center on language skills by learning how to write good sentences, using capitalization, punctuation, and sentence structure rules. We work a lot on our math facts, money, time, and early algebra concepts. Spelling consists of weekly lessons and tests. We practice our manuscript writing and cursive letters. The class really enjoys the monthly writing project where they use their imagination and creative minds. The class likes the hands on experience they have when it comes to learning centers. These are often tied to what we are working on in class.

Written by Mrs. Julie Vander Meer, teacher

First, Second, and Third Grades

At Reformed Heritage Christian School, I teach Bible, science, social studies, physical education, and art. In art we study the basics (line, shape, color, and texture) and we incorporate them into fun crafts and holiday decorations. We learn a lot about God’s world in science as we study our bodies, the earth, animals, plants, and the solar system. As our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, we learn how to keep them healthy and safe. We also study and practice good manners. In social studies we spend the school year learning about our culture, the government, economics, and the history of our country. A whole year is spent on studying the lives of famous Americans. In physical education we do muscular and cardiovascular exercises. We practice skills and always end with a fun game. Bible is one of our favorite subjects as we learn about God and how He has been working in history since He created the earth. We memorize important scripture texts. Besides this, we emphasize our personal responsibilities and relationships to God.

Written by Mrs. Gayle Esman, teacher

Third Grade

In third grade language we focus on developing the students’ skills in not only writing good sentences but also identifying the parts of a sentence. We learn about the different types of sentences and identifying nouns, verbs, helping verbs, adjectives and adverbs. We also practice using correct punctuation and capitalization in our sentences.

In our writing we practice cursive letters and copy passages to help us become neater in our writing. We also have creative writing projects at least once a month that helps us apply our language skills, and it is also an opportunity to use our imaginations.

In math we work a lot on multiplication, division, addition, subtraction, place value, and basic algebra concepts. We practice our math facts with several different types of games and use many manipulatives because they are so important for a student to learn.

In spelling the students are given a list of words that are tested on at the end of each week. The goal for spelling is for each student toapply it to their daily work.

In reading we read not only from readers but also from well-known chapter books that gives the student practical experience. We focus on developing comprehension, critical thinking, identifying main ideas, and looking for the details in our stories.

We also use hands on actives, centers, and have extra activities available to the students to keep them not only challenged but also gives them another opportunity to enhance the curriculum and develop our skills.

Written by Mrs. Julie Vander Meer, teacher

Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grades

Reading for each grade consists of four novels each year. Each quarter has a certain theme, genre, or author that the books follow. Themes, genres, and authors include acceptance/bullying, historical fiction, adventure, and C.S. Lewis. The 4th, 5th, and 6th graders read a book that fits their grade level and fits the theme or genre of the semester. The books have been picked and approved by the teacher and education committee. Students work weekly on vocabulary words, literary elements, comprehension questions, and questions that dig a little deeper into the theme connecting to our Reformed worldview.

Writing takes place in every subject, but also is focused on specifically for grammar, punctuation, spelling, and content. Students practice penmanship weekly and enhance their cursive writing, as well as journal about certain topics pertaining to the current subject topics.

Math consists of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, place value, graphing, measurements, fractions, ratios and percents, geometry, and pre-algebra. Tests are done per chapter to check for understanding. Worksheets are completed daily to practice taught concepts.

Social studies is on a three year rotation: old world history, new world history, and history of our United States. A study of Michigan’s history is also included. Map skills and map learning of different countries is included each year, in addition to learning America’s states and capitals for two years. Students learn that through the many different periods and events, God has been leading His people, and still is today.


Science is also on three year rotation: systems, changes, and choices. Students study an overview of science, physical science, earth and space science and the human body. Experiments and demonstrations for each unit are done to enhance learning. Each student has his or her own workbook where additional activities are presented. Learning about simple machines, magnetism, and electricity is also included. Students learn that our God is a God of order, pattern, and design, and that He has created us with a plan and for a purpose.

Bible is on a three year rotation as well. Bible consists of Bible guide (where students read from the New King James Version of the Bible and answer questions) and Bible doctrine (where students learn specifically about the Reformed church and faith). Weekly or bi-weekly memory verses are given that coincide with the lessons.

Art, Computer, physical education, library and field trips are offered for these grade levels as well.

Written by Jolene Westendorp, teacher