Reformed Heritage Christian School 700 N Fletcher Ave, Kalamazoo, MI, United StatesPastor John Bothof
Pastor John Bothof
Our mum fundraiser begins this Saturday, September 9! The sale takes place at the corner of Nichols & Ravine Roads from 9am-1pm. Volunteers are needed; there is a sign-up sheet at school on the table in the front hall, or you can email ( or call (383-0505) the office. A 9am volunteer is asked to ... Read more
All mothers of students are invited and encouraged to attend a ‘get-to-know you’ work meeting next Wednesday, September 13 at 8:05 AM in the library. Mothers take a key role in helping with different activities around school, so this meeting allows us to see opportunities to serve our school and our students. An agenda is ... Read more
Students across the country will join together for the annual “See You at the Pole” prayer event. We will pray for our country, community, those in need, our first responders, leaders, churches, schools & families. All parents are welcome join us at 8:20am for a few minutes. (Rain location: music room.)
Turkey subs
Find your Christian college at a Christian College Fair in the South Bend-Mishawaka area. It takes place Tuesday, October 3, from 6-8pm at Bethel University, in the Wiekamp Athletic Center, 1001 Bethel Circle, Mishawaka, IN 46545. FREE and open to the public. There is a flier posted in the hall at RHCS with a QR ... Read more
Pastor Bothof
Representatives from 50+ public and private, including Christian, colleges and universities, as well as community colleges and other training institutions, will be available to speak with students and parents about post-secondary educational opportunities. There will be a Financial Aid presentation at 7pm for those who are interested in learning more about how to pay for ... Read more